Migrating from Goerli to Sepolia – The 101s

Migrating from Goerli to Sepolia – The 101s

Blast Team

3 min read

With the deprecation of the Ethereum Goerli testnet already ongoing and support ending by January 2024, check out this article to get ready and make sure your project is properly set up for the migration!

Testnets are the draft spaces of blockchain developers. Created to emulate the exact conditions of the main network, testnets allow developers to discover and correct any errors before the feature or project is publicly available, without the risk of losing any assets. 

Ethereum Testnets are no exception to these circumstances. Currently, there are three Ethereum Testnets available:

  • Goerli, which allows blockchain developers to test network upgrades and running validators;
  • Sepolia, which allows the testing of smart contracts and dApps;
  • Holešky, a staking, infrastructure, and protocol-development testnet;

Why is Goerli getting deprecated?

There was a time when there were quite a bunch of Ethereum testnets such as Ropsten, Rinkeby, and Kovan. 

However, in the fall of 2022, Ethereum underwent a Merge that led to the discontinuation of several testnets. This transition, announced with just a few weeks’ notice, resulted in dissatisfaction among dApp developers and infrastructure service providers.

In order to avoid this type of frustration in the future, the Ethereum team introduced the Predictable Ethereum Testnet Lifecycle. This plan dictates that Ethereum testnets will have a 4 year life span since genesis, with potentially, an additional year for support, should the testnet be heavily used.

With this plan in mind, the deprecation of Goerli began in Q1 of this year, with support ceasing in Q4 of 2023, so that the testnet can be followed by Holešky, its designated successor (for all details on Ethereum’s latest testnet check out our article on Holešky Testnet).

This situation is similar to using an unsupported app — it may function initially, but soon enough, problems and mismatches will arise, with no solutions available.

To avert such problems, developers simply need to transition from Goerli to Sepolia.

To eliminate any potential issues, the Blast team advises on the completion of the migration to Sepolia at the earliest convenience. Taking this proactive measure will protect your projects from future interruptions and maintain a seamless development process.

Let’s find out together how to do that!

How to Migrate to Sepolia?

To migrate to Sepolia, launch the consumer app in Blast and connect to your account. 

Afterward, in the project dashboard:

  1. Go to the blockchain you are building on and select the Sepolia tab. 
  2. Set your endpoint to the Sepolia Testnet by copying and pasting the RPC URL for the Sepolia endpoint.

Sepolia-linked Testnets within Blast

Blast currently supports the Sepolia testnet on the following chains:

How do you get Sepolia ETH?

Bware Labs has got you covered with the Ethereum Sepolia Faucet Service!

To receive your test tokens, enter your wallet address in the provided box and click “Claim” – it’s really that easy! You can claim extra by posting on X or connecting your GitHub account! 

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