RedStone Finance – The Next Generation of Oracles, Built Modularly

RedStone Finance – The Next Generation of Oracles, Built Modularly

Blast Team

4 min read

RedStone is an Oracle suite that delivers frequently updated, reliable, and diverse data feeds for your dApp and smart contracts on multiple L1s & L2s. RedStone aims to address the challenges encountered by blockchain projects by providing adaptable and cost-effective oracle services. 

With the significant transformations in the ecosystem recently, today’s DeFi protocols demand faster data delivery; RedStone introduces a distinctively designed Oracle system tailored for the demands of contemporary DeFi protocols.

Oracles – What, Why, How?

Oracles are mechanisms facilitating the integration of external data (data residing outside the blockchain) into on-chain smart contracts. Beyond merely retrieving off-chain data for Ethereum propagation, oracles have the capacity to relay on-chain data to external systems. An exemple is an oracle initiating a smart lock once a fee is processed through an Ethereum transaction.

Serving as a conduit, oracles link blockchain-based smart contracts to external data repositories. In the absence of oracles, smart contract functionalities would be restricted to on-chain data access exclusively. Oracles enable the invocation of smart contract operations utilizing off-chain data inputs.

Oracles can be categorized based on data origin (singular or multiple sources), trust frameworks (centralized vs. decentralized), and operational architecture (such as immediate-read, publish-subscribe, and request-response modalities). Additionally, distinctions can be drawn between oracles focusing on sourcing external data for on-chain integration (input oracles), transmitting blockchain data to external systems (output oracles), or executing off-chain computational functions (computational oracles).

RedStone’s Modular Oracles

RedStone employs a next-generation blockchain storage mechanism via Arweave, optimized for substantial data retention at a significantly reduced cost compared to platforms like Ethereum.

In RedStone’s architecture, data delivery to multiple chains diverges from traditional oracles that periodically upload information onto blockchains. The methodology encompasses storing data on Arweave. Subsequently, a distributed network of nodes and partners presents this data to DeFi projects in the form of a decentralized public cache.

Furthermore, the EVM-Connector facilitates data injection to the target chain on an as-needed basis. An integrity-validating signature is appended to the transaction necessitating this data, analogous to a meta transaction.

To accommodate diverse data providers, a curation mechanism becomes essential to discern and prioritize the most trustworthy. Consequently, data providers are mandated to lock RedStone tokens as collateral, ensuring their continuous and quality-driven data contribution. For transparency and accountability, RedStone maintains a comprehensive log of provider transactions, permanently archived on the Arweave chain. This offers a mechanism for any stakeholder to challenge a data feed, potentially securing a portion of the collateral for data misrepresentation.

Data from RedStone is cryptographically endorsed by providers and is verifiable on any blockchain equipped with rudimentary cryptographic primitives. This design decouples storage and usage: while data is anchored on the Arweave chain, its applicability spans across diverse blockchains.

“As an oracle in the web3 ecosystem, the reliability of our service is of utmost importance. We needed a solution that could consistently deliver accurate data with minimal downtime, given the critical role we play.”

Blast harnesses the capabilities of hundreds of third-party node providers,, to ensure optimal reliability and performance in data sourcing. The challenges of consistently retrieving vast amounts of blockchain data with high reliability and availability are diminished through Blast’s innovative approach.

Why Blast?

“We needed a solution that could consistently deliver accurate data with minimal downtime, given the critical role we play.”

Blast API provides RedStone with infrastructure and data sourcing support, enabling unrestricted data collection via concurrent connections. Additionally, it’s imperative for RedStone to uphold real-time synchronization for its RPCs, ensuring they circumvent the potential hazard of disseminating obsolete price data.

“Given the high volume of data requests we process, we required a robust infrastructure that could scale seamlessly. This included the ability to handle an unlimited number of requests and maintain high throughput even during peak usage times. This was vital to our ability to accommodate the growing demand for our services and maintain our service quality.”

By utilizing clustering and leveraging the geographical distribution of third-party nodes, Blast delivers infrastructure services that are not only robust and reliable but also boast superior response times in comparison to their competitors.

Blast API is the obvious choice for data-driven dApps, bringing devs a plethora of advantages: enhanced performance and rapid response times, compatibility with multiple blockchain networks, immediate service availability, an intuitive dashboard for improved user experience, stablecoin payment support, competitive pricing structures, and round-the-clock engineering assistance. All these are available at half the cost of other competing infrastructure providers.

“Our journey with Blast is ongoing and we anticipate it will continue into the future. Their robust and reliable solution plays a crucial role in our current operations, enabling us to provide the high-quality, real-time data that our users depend on.
Looking ahead, as we continue to evolve and scale our services, we see Blast as an integral partner. Their capabilities will be instrumental in supporting our growth, ensuring we can meet increasing demand, and continue delivering the reliable, up-to-date information our users need.”

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