Builders! Base Mainnet is Available in Blast API

Builders! Base Mainnet is Available in Blast API

Blast Team

4 min read

Base, the Ethereum L2 incubated by Coinbase and built on the OP Stack, is open for developers looking to deploy their projects. Endpoints for the Base Mainnet are now available for builders using Blast API as their infrastructure provider.

Coinbase announced earlier this year the launch of Base, an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) network built on the OP Stack. Base aims to provide a secure and builder-friendly platform for building decentralized apps onchain. Coinbase, which aims to expand economic freedom across the world, incubated Base to onboard the next million developers and billion users into the crypto space.

Built in collaboration with the Optimism Collective , Base is the second L2 on the open-source OP Stack, following OP Mainnet, joining OP Labs as the second core developer of the OP Stack. Rollup projects can be classified in three stages, according to Vitalik Buterin, depending on how much they use “training wheels”. In this instance, ‘training wheels’ describes the lack of an active fraud proof or validity proof whatsoever, but rather the rollup’s reliance on multisigs that have the ability to force a particular outcome in case there are bugs in the code. Thus a Stage 0 optimistic (or ZK) rollup must bring a running fraud proof or validity proof scheme, which has the practical authority to accept or reject which state roots get accepted by the rollup contract, to attain Stage 1.

Optimistic Rollups are L2 protocols designed to extend the throughput of Ethereum’s base layer while deriving security from Mainnet by publishing transaction results on-chain. This makes optimistic rollups a hybrid scaling solution, as while they exist as separate protocols, their security properties are derived from Ethereum.

The name “optimistic” comes from the assumption that off-chain transactions are valid, which makes optimistic rollups not publish proofs of validity for transaction batches posted on-chain. This separates optimistic rollups from zero-knowledge rollups that publish cryptographic proofs of validity for off-chain transactions.

Optimistic rollups instead rely on a fraud-proving scheme to detect cases where transactions are not calculated correctly. After a rollup batch is submitted on Ethereum, there’s a time window (called a challenge period) during which anyone can challenge the results of a rollup transaction by computing a fraud proof.

Through their purpose of attaining Stage 1 Rollup status, Base and OP Labs work towards decentralizing upgradeability of the Base and OP Mainnet smart contracts, and securing both Mainnets through leveraging a set of validators to identify and challenge faults, among other such prerequisites.

Since its release, Base has garnered widespread positive reactions from projects deployed on the network, spanning a plethora of use cases and decentralized applications. The Testnet phase of Base started in February 2023, allowing the network’s team to enhance the development experience to its fullest, but also to ensure the scalability and security of Base.

By opening up access to Mainnet for builders, Base aims to provide them with a dedicated window during which they can safely and reliably deploy their dApps on Base. Builders will be able to securely kickstart their applications on the Mainnet, with support from the Base team.

Base aims to make it seamless for any user to bridge to Base from Ethereum L1, Coinbase, and other interoperable chains. It offers builders and users an EVM environment at a fraction of the cost, allowing access to Ethereum features like Account Abstraction, SDKs for gasless transactions and support for bridges to enable easy multichain development

Integrating the Base Mainnet into Blast API stands as proof of our solid commitment to the vision of making “on chain” the next “online”. Base developers can streamline their work by using Blast as their primary API platform. Any builder can get decentralized access to Base Mainnet API endpoints with little effort by leveraging Blast’s user-friendly interface and rich documentation. Devs can also handle many projects efficiently, profit from high throughput, and have industry-leading reaction times and reliability, all through Blast.

Blast provides both dedicated APIs that can be tailored to specific project requirements, as well as the option to utilize a public API.

Public APIs:

Dedicated endpoints

How to generate a dedicated Base API in Blast:

  • Go to
  • Press on Get endpoint or Connect.
  • Connect with your Metamask wallet, Wallet Connect, or email
  • Sign the message prompted by your wallet provider
  • Create a project to be able to generate APIs or use one of the projects you have already built
  • Inside the project space, select the Base card and click Activate to generate your dedicated endpoints
  • Base APIs have been activated!

With the integration of Base, Blast now supports 46 networks and 25 chains, aiming to become a vehicle for boosting blockchain adoption and supporting Web3 builders from development to production, release, and beyond. The set of blockchain projects available within the Blast platform is carefully selected to support Web3 development efforts on the most relevant networks in the industry. For any builder who is ready to start their blockchain journey, the Bware Labs team of experts is available 24/7 via Discord support!

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