Rootstock Testnet Faucet

Daily token allocation:0.1
Tokens claimed:0.00025
Tokens left:0.09975

Get Rootstock RBTC tokens from our Rootstock Testnet Faucet in one easy step, with no registration required! You can claim 0.00025 RBTC tokens each day. Need some more tokens? Unlock an extra 0.00025 RBTC tokens by posting on X.

How to claim your test Rootstock Testnet RBTC tokens daily

Enter your wallet address in the designated box below and hit the “Claim“ button. Once you've claimed the first distribution of tokens, you will be able to claim again by tweeting with our template and pasting the tweet's URL in the second box. Happy testing!


Get your tokens!

Claimed 0/0.00025 RBTC

Wallet Address


Get your extra tokens!

Claimed 0/0.00025 RBTC

Complete step 1 to unlock!

Need more power? Get your Rootstock Testnet Dedicated Endpoints



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What is the Rootstock Testnet Faucet?

The Rootstock Testnet faucet is a blockchain development tool that provides a steady supply of testnet RBTC for Rootstock daily, providing developers with the necessary resources to test their smart contracts in a simulated environment before deploying them to the Rootstock mainnet and interacting with real-world assets.

What is the Rootstock Testnet?

The Rootsrock Testnet mimics the capabilities and environment of the Mainnet network, allowing developers to experiment and test their dApps before launching them live. Rootstock is a Bitcoin sidechain. The Layer 2 solution combines the security of Bitcoin's proof of work with Ethereum's smart contract capabilities.

What are testnet tokens?

Testnet tokens refer to digital tokens utilized on testnets, which are experimental versions of blockchain networks. These tokens serve to facilitate the testing of new features and functions by developers before these enhancements are introduced to the live blockchain. Testnet tokens carry no real-world monetary value and are not transferable to the main blockchain.

How does this work on Blast?

Blast provides infrastructure support and development tools for a diverse range of over 60 blockchain networks. To facilitate seamless testing and development workflows, we have established strategic partnerships with key blockchain networks, enabling developers to receive a daily allocation of tokens for testing purposes. Find out more about Blast!

What is the daily total allocation?

The daily total allocation serves as a limit on the number of tokens that can be claimed by all users within a 24-hour period, and once that limit is reached, the faucet will stop dripping tokens. If the daily total allocation is filled, users will not be able to claim additional Rootstock Testnet RBTC tokens until the next 24-hour cycle begins.

Why is the faucet not working?

The faucet might not be available temporarily, either due to maintenance work or lack of funds. If you checked and your wallet address is correct, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact us on Discord or through the Contact form.

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