Injective Mainnet Faucet

Daily token allocation:0.3
Tokens claimed:0
Tokens left:0.300

Get test tokens for the Injective Mainnet through our Injective Mainnet Faucet! You can claim 0.001 INJ tokens each day with no registration required. Need more? Unlock extra test tokens through a simple tweet.

How to get free INJ tokens daily

Enter your wallet address in the designated box below and hit the “Claim“ button. Once you've claimed the first distribution of tokens, you will be able to claim again by tweeting with our template and pasting the tweet's URL in the second box. Happy testing!


Get your tokens!

Claimed 0/0.001 INJ

Wallet Address


Get your extra tokens!

Claimed 0/0.001 INJ

Complete step 1 to unlock!


What is the Injective Mainnet Faucet?

The Injective Mainnet faucet is a blockchain development tool that dispenses small amounts of INJ tokens to users, enabling them to cover the network fees associated with testing and development activities. This allows developers to freely experiment with their code and dApps without the need to purchase actual tokens, reducing costs and streamlining the testing process.

What is the Injective Mainnet?

Injective is a cutting-edge layer 1 protocol optimized for building Web3 finance applications. One of its key features is a fully decentralized order book, which allows developers to create exchanges, prediction markets, and other on-chain strategies. With its native interoperability and IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) capabilities, Injective allows for easy and secure transactions across the largest layer one networks. Injective enables the use of CosmWasm, a cutting-edge smart contract platform designed specifically for the Cosmos ecosystem. As a result, developers have the ability to effortlessly deploy their own smart contract-based applications on the Injective platform. Moreover, smart contracts that are compatible with other chains supporting CosmWasm can be seamlessly migrated to Injective.

How does this work on Blast?

Blast provides infrastructure support and development tools for a diverse range of over 60 blockchain networks. To facilitate seamless testing and development workflows, we have established strategic partnerships with key blockchain networks, enabling developers to receive a daily allocation of tokens for testing purposes. Find out more about Blast!

What is the daily total allocation?

The daily total allocation serves as a limit on the number of tokens that can be claimed by all users within a 24-hour period, and once that limit is reached, the faucet will stop dripping tokens. If the daily total allocation is filled, users will not be able to claim additional INJ tokens until the next 24-hour cycle begins.

Why is the faucet not working?

The faucet might not be available temporarily, either due to maintenance work or lack of funds. If you checked and your wallet address is correct, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact us on Discord or through the Contact form.

I have some suggestions, how can I share them with you?

We're always happy to receive input and enhance our services and products according to the needs of our users. Please tell us more about how we can optimize for your needs in the Contact section.

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