RMRK: Pushing NFTs Further

Modular NFTs 101

Modular NFTs, also known as NFTs 2.0, represent an advanced generation of NFTs that enhance the basic functionalities of traditional NFTs (NFT 1.0). While NFT 1.0 introduced the concept of unique digital tokens that can represent various assets like images or art on a tamper-proof blockchain, they were static and limited in interactivity.

Modular NFTs address these constraints by being dynamic, upgradable, and extensible. They allow creators to combine multiple building blocks to forge novel collections, facilitating more complex interactions across different sectors such as gaming and commerce.

About RMRK

RMRK is an innovative protocol, offering expanded capabilities beyond traditional non-fungible tokens. It incorporates a flexible system of building blocks, or "legos," that can be combined to craft diverse NFT projects. These blocks include features such as Nestable, which allows NFTs to own other NFTs in a hierarchical structure akin to a family tree, and Equippable, which permits NFTs to "wear" or "equip" other NFTs, enhancing functionality or appearance. Additional blocks like Multi-asset and Soulbound provide multi-resource capabilities and enforce non-transferability of certain NFT attributes, while Emotes add a layer of interactivity by allowing NFTs to display emotions or reactions.

Singular is RMRK's flagship product, a multi-chain modular NFT marketplace that demonstrates the full capabilities of modular NFTs. In this marketplace, users can create collections, mint NFTs, augment them with additional assets, and offer them for sale. With around 10k unique monthly visits and over 200k minted NFTs, Singular allows users to create new collections or individual NFTs and make them available for purchase. The platform is user-friendly, featuring an intuitive interface and popover guides to assist users with any uncertainties, as well as 6 supported chains.

Issues Faced Before Blast Partnership

We needed a stable and reliable HTTP-API for our indexer with adequate RPS limits and a good HTTP and WSS api for the user-facing client side dApp, as we try to fetch as much data directly from the contract as possible and only fallback on indexer where necessary. We had to use and pay for multiple RPC providers as we couldn't find one that supports all of the chains that our dApps support. In addition, the RPC apis had higher RPS limits and were unreliable (on a few occasions having prolonged downtimes).

Most Valuable Aspect of the Blast Partnership

Since switching to Blast's services, no downtime has been recorded, demonstrating the reliability and stability offered by the platform. Furthermore, Blast's network lineup has eliminated the need for subscriptions to additional RPC providers, streamlining operations and reducing complexity and potential costs associated with maintaining multiple service relationships.

This year we are working on our on-chain game projects, as part of skybreach.app experience where Blast will be heavily used, both on the client side, to interact with the smart contracts, as well as on the indexer to have up to date indexed contract state to provide the best user experience to our users.

Unlimited WSS Connections
High throughput
Customer Service
Low Latency

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