Coingecko: the world's largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator

About Coingecko

CoinGecko provides a fundamental analysis of the crypto market. In addition to tracking price, volume and market capitalisation, CoinGecko tracks community growth, open-source code development, major events and on-chain metrics.

GeckoTerminal is a decentralized exchange (DEX) tracker and real-time cryptocurrency price charting tool by CoinGecko. It currently tracks over 1.2M tokens on 490+ DEXes across 91 chains

Key Stats

  • 10M monthly unique visitors
  • 5M monthly page views for GeckoTerminal
  • 1.2M tokens tracked
  • 490+ DEXes
  • 91 chains

Issues faced before Blast partnership

We are always on the lookout to add new blockchain in order to provide DEX market data to our users. Private node-as-a-service is part of our technical considerations in order to meet the demand of our users especially for new blockchains that are yet to gain popularity.

Most valuable aspects of the Blast partnership

Bware Labs is at the forefront when it comes to providing a scalable Web3 infrastructure. Their early interest in supporting multiple blockchains fulfills our use case when it comes to building GeckoTerminal.

GeckoTerminal aims to provide DEX trade data that is real time and reliable across as many blockchain as possible and Bware Labs/Blast have played an integral role in that. Blast is quick to identify and add support for newer blockchains which allow us to move forward with our product roadmap.

Multichain Support
Scalable Infrastructure
Customer Support
Technical Flexibility

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